
Monday, December 7, 2015

Make Room

Awhile ago it dawned on me the connection between my name and it's meaning.  I've always liked my name.  Samantha means listener. And I have always enjoyed listening more than being the one who talks.  But the connection I made was more along the lines of spiritual listening - clairaudience, or "clear hearing". Although I have a couple extremely clear experiences of this, I haven't exactly worked on fine tuning this spiritual gift enough.  I feel I'm needing to head in that direction more intentionally these days.

There truly are so many things that take our attention, yet there are actually only a few things that are more of a requirement of our attention on a daily basis.  I remember having a distinct feeling about a year and a half ago that I was  ready to let my serious addiction to Pinterest go.  I felt there was a need to allow for something greater in my life.  Low and behold, I soon found this deep spiritual practice of meditation soon after that and Pinterest has never been the same for me since.  Over the past year I have joined a couple important Facebook groups that have helped me tremendously and I have met some amazing people that have helped me along the way.  Being more of a listener,  I haven't lent much of a voice to discussions,  but I feel I may drown without my support and the intellectual stimuli that Facebook has become (I'm very picky about what shows up on my news feed), I'm recognizing that same feeling again:

What I'm looking for isn't out there.  It's time once again to trust this voice in my head and this feeling in my heart.  There's more.  Make room.

"Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus."
- Neal A Maxwell
So while I have been torn with wanting to share more on this blog as well as do more classes, for now I will be making more room for Christ in my life by signing off of social media for a time.  "Make room" will be my mantra for this Christmas season to carry me into the new year with power and grace.

Sat nam,